In the News
Marin IJ Editorial:
Educational Support key in
technical areas
Local high schools’ laser focus on getting students into four-year universities, sadly, left many young people behind.
CTE ground-breaking ceremony
John Caroll, Carmen Diaz Ghyseis, {San Rafael City Schools Superintendent}, Mary Jane Burke, (Marin County School Superintendent), and Charlie Goodman at ground-breaking of CTE Building.
The Washington Post:
We need more people learning trades
Trade workers are essential, but the country is facing a shortage.
Marin Magazine: How Trade Schools Are Creating New Opportunity in Marin County
Education experts say it’s hard to quantify exactly how many students are turning to CTE, but agree that numbers are on the rise.
Marinterviews: Episode 15: Shifting Gears with Charles Goodman
Car rallies to support non-profits CAPP Program (Car Appreciation and Preservation Program)